Thursday, May 22, 2008


hmmm so many choices to make ..

(1)Choice to study hard since there is only 80 days left before exams ( it sounds freakingly scary )
(2) choice of which university should i apply you with well parents pressure to go to Cardiff in particular
(3) choices of friends whom i can trust more than what they are
(4) choices to stop my online obsession of being on too many hours a day
(5)choice to spend more time with God
(6) choice of not to succumb to temptations and not to cross boundaries

ok ... maybe that wasnt many but they are important choices which will affect my overall being as a person .... i mean it will determine who i am as a person . don't think i want to be this perfect person or something but its just gonna determine who i am going to be .

my love life. my career. my friends. my family. my spiritual life.

they are all at stake !



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