this is the day which went on without any real interruptions....
but i guess looking at life at its fragile moment its a bit intimidating. my Aunt Judy has now been diangose with liver cancer and is currently admitted in UH but i think discahrged today.... i mean just standing there in the hospital room makes you realize the much importance of life. Hearing my aunt talking about it seems so disturbing to my mind particular thing she said was the hardest thing about having cancer is well leaving your love ones behind and you cant bear to let them see you suffer. i totally agree with that. and the other thing she said the worst thing is that you cant sleep thinking how fast the cancer cells spread in your body and you dont know where it will go next ... that sent shivers down my spine literally... i had goosebumps." what if i am destined to get cancer next time or any other kind of horrific disese?" " i do wonder how i will cope with ?"
we never actually really think about these things unless a close one is affected or you yourself is down with it .... we should be more cautious that these disease and viruses might struck any of us someday.
it also makes one thing about how your spouse or your children have to take it if you go early... what will happen to them ?
11 years ago
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