Tuesday, April 27, 2010

the different dreams

For the past week i have had some vivd dreams obviously this is something to blog about :)

I dreamt about my ex during one of the days , all i remember from that dream was that there was a chance of us getting back together and there were loads of text messages tellig me that it was up to me whether we could be back togther. nd there were a lot of lovey dovey messagesI woke up feeling rather confused after that cause everytime i try to forget about him something always pops back up to haunt me about him again.

The next dream was set in a typical chinese war setting . This other girl and I were suppose to be spies of the ..... Jesus army . I have no idea why it was called that when we were in China. But the army was white and easily identifiable seeing as they had a certain glow about them too. so this girl and I were travelling up this road towards the enemy's territory to watch what their next move was. It seemed that they had performed executions on people who didnt want to tell them the location of the Jesus Army. It was a gruesome sight. We both have this coins that could feel the presence of the Jesus army and it would tell the exact location. We were discovered but the soldiers didnt really care about us since we were both just little girls. Then we felt a vision telling us not to worry that Jesus would protect us. We then found a horse and started riding away and I woke up.
Another dream was that in my own house there were 8 snakes and my mom came and woke me up. But i found i was still in a dream. and my mom continued telling me that there was a snake in my bed. i ran out of the house holding my tooth brush and went to the neighbour's house where i asked for permission to stay until the snakes were removed. Then i started brushing my teeth and the reporters came with the fire brigade. When they tried to interview me i was halfway brushng my teeth so they went away and didnt come back after that. THere was an annoucement saying they were all tken away. But once i got back there were 4 more. Hannah Machin was brave enough though to use a bat to hit all four of them . After that iguanas started appearing out of no where so i started runningon the back lnae of myself .... i woke up after that pretty freaked out.
Just yesterday I dreamt that i was actually already married and had a son . My son , husband and I were on vacation somewhere by the beach but i dont remember anything else of it. This dream was more detailed in the sense that my husband of a white race nd well yeah obviously our son had both genes. But yeah thats about what i remember of this dream
Well i dont know what these dreams mean but they certainly was an experience. You guys can comment and give me suggestons ...

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

a date with girl :D

Having been stuck home for the last few weeks and only leaving the house just to go to church or to do something my family , I finally got to spend a bit of gurl-time with my darling yuyi :)
So.... what happens when two gurls are together ? * drum roll * .........
you guessed it ! Shopping, gossip , eating !!!!!!!!!
Brought yuyi to bangsar area where we spent time shopping at catwhiskers & little black book ( great outlets by the way , girls who read this take this opportunity to go shop there ; its cheap and nice )
And as usual ....... we both bought stuff ...... each 2 dresses :) which i am very proud of !
I really felt in the mood to spulrge so I decided for us to go and eat in La Bodega . *thumbs up * the pictures will do the talking

The interiors

Yuyi's health drink : consisted of bananas , papayas & pineapples...
frankly it wasn't that nice

Good Ole' Carslberg ( never fails me )

Yuyi's dinner : Smoke salmon with salad and some sauce which was delish !

My Angel Hair Pasta with Lamb balls , olives and pumpkin with cheese sauce. I really love it its yummy :)

to update you on the previous post ... that annoying person did not get back to me and therefore shattered any hopes of making my life a little more interesting this month. So I have decided that this isnt the right time anyway to be with the opposite sex. I shall wait until i am in a more stable position to do so and grow up individually further, to be more independant and matured.

Monday, April 05, 2010

Waitting ...

The feeling of waitting always leaves us uneasy and uncomfortable. The anticipation of something on whether it would happen or not pushes us to a place that for everyone it feels different. Some people feel the rush of excitement , others just fidget around trying to fill their time not to think about it.

This generation of people has been thrown into an instantaneous world where most of the time we don't have to wait very long for stuff to happen . Come from instant messages, to email, to mobile phones , fast food restaurants..... just about anything is instant nowadays. But when it happens, it makes us tick and we get frustrated. Where has all the patience gone ... The days when people used to wait upon a single letter from their loved one who was involved in the war. Or a single sentence telegram informing their love ones about their well - being.

Personally, being a born into this generation has made me realized how impatient i can get and that with waitting it does help you grow more as a person.

* take deep breathes in * I need to calm down ... assurance to myself ... it will happen ... it will happen